Monday, March 7, 2011

The Jangled Star Spangled

It has been a good thing to start sporting events with the singing of the Star Spangled Banner. It is restorative to all - who stand together, with flags and honor guards - saluting the United States of America.

For that very reason, I bring attention to the growing abuse of this, our National Anthem. The choice of celeb’s seems to have precipitated a competition as to who can out-jazz the others. Some of their modernized renditions border on the irreverent if not sacrilegious. Francis Scott Key would never recognize these varied vibratos being bellowed through half-swallowed microphones – often off-Key, so to speak.

The crowd is already primed for pugilism – with libations, team spirit, and comradely. The solemnity of the moment is lost – often interrupted by the howling of the crowd during the final stanzas. - as much as to say, “Let’s get on with the game!”

I am not recommending that we do away with The National Anthem, but let’s substitute “God Bless America” for sporting events instead. There can be a ‘star’ leading the song, but we can all join in the singing, and the idea of asking “God” to bless all of us together seems rather nice.

Let’s leave the Anthem for solemn occasions; the Olympics, presidential, funereal, and military state of affairs. It was never intended for football.

Patricia Moloney Dugas

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