Thursday, November 18, 2010


Now that the 2010 mid-term elections are over, it seems we were forced to make hold-your-nose choices between some of the candidates. Who are these people? Supposed statesmen committing these crimes while giving their pledge to honor and serve, we the people. They stand now before Congress smeared with the stains of seditious campaign warfare – tattered and torn.

How did they arrive so tarnished at the doorstep of democracy?

We found ourselves hoping the election would end quickly before more sleaze, er.., “side issues” surfaced. The media continuously broadcast these slanderous insinuations bordering on libel: “to publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to that person or his/her reputation, by tending to bring the target into ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt of others.” Was this our election?

Could we, the voters, disqualify them should the allegations grow too gross? Should we change the ballot to enable us to vote them out before they’re voted in? I am suggesting we set up a grading chart of all the personal and professional flaws we are asked to turn a blind eye to if we are to continue having a viable government. Grading these issues:

Enticement of an underage page. A careless slip?
An affair with a staffer. A brief dalliance?
Denial of the ensuing children.
New! Witchcraft or Warlockery.

Criminal Behavior:
Slanderous campaign practices. “Just part of the game…?”
Employment of illegal aliens to do chores. “Never suspected…”
Salacious texting, emailing dirty pictures. Oh, just funny stuff?
DUI with death or dismemberment?

Federal offenses:
Blatant racial, religious, or gender bigotry.
Tax evasion. A federal offense - or bookkeeping oversight?
Espionage! Consorting with whomever is out to get us.

These former “career-ending indiscretions” are becoming no more than amusing fodder for the hour after hour television lead-ins. We can only sigh and wait for the next televised revelation to feed our pruriosity. Has this become the norm for all elections henceforth? Did The Sixties infiltrate and dissolve the public criteria for governance? Are they now in competition with the NFL?

Out the door no more: before, there were tearful apologies, with spouse beside them, followed by forced retirement from their political ride. Away, away, ignoble knave! Darken no more the doorsteps of this, our fair Democracy!

But wait! Could this have been nothing more than a cover-up -- a Conspiracy of Ignorance? While the mud and allegations fling, we never do hear our politician’s resolutions for the desperate issues crippling our nation. Is this a clever smoke screen to lull us with vicarious lasciviousness that will titillate our senses, then melt away once these villains are ensconced in the very chambers of Congress?

They really have no idea how to put that “Chicken in Every Pot.” Jobs - or not. Climate - hot or not. Nukes or a war plot…

Who shall we enlist to delineate the political gradations of moral conduct? We need “tall men, sun crowned, who live above the fog,” wrote Josiah Gilbert Holland in the 1880’s. Find someone who is able to solemnly judge the moral and professional significance of these transgressions. Let him who is without…er, mistakes…?

A “New Morality” is sweeping the nation via the media – a redefining of moral and criminal behavior. See my commentary "We All Make Mistakes - Enter the New Morality” on my “Societal Tamperer” blog, "We All Make Mistakes” - Enter the New Morality

Since we all make mistakes, who is ever guilty of anything?

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